Retromat (Cut Edition) English

Available now!


You browse in Retromat (Website) just for the fun of it? You like to work with real, physical objects?


Great, the print version of the Retromat for you! It's useful, it's beautiful, and it's fun!


The print equivalent of the digital Retromat contains a selection of 50 activities - 10 for each of the 5 phases. You can either flip all phases in sync to get 10 matched plans - ordered from "beginner-friendly" to "experienced facilitator" - or flip around to mix-and-match a plan (much as with the digital version). The latter allows for 100,000 different combinations for retrospectives lasting between 60 to 120 minutes.


it-agile is very proud to be Corinna Baldauf's partner for the print-edition. With our sponsoring we are able to reduce the price and make this product widely available.


This is the English product in the "cut edition" which means it is ready to use! (It is version 2 with some typos fixed.)

25,00 €
19,95 €
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  • Lieferung zwischen 1 und 5 Tagen1